The Cloud Automation

Sahil Jilani
3 min readMay 9, 2021


Cloud automation is broad term that refers to the processes and tools a corporation uses to cut back the manual efforts related to provisioning and managing cloud computing workloads and services. IT groups will apply cloud automation to non-public, public, and hybrid cloud environments.
Cloud automation allows IT groups and developers to make, modify, and destruct resources on the cloud mechanically.
one in all the key guarantees of cloud computing was that services may be used on-demand, if and once required.
however in point of fact, somebody desires to spin up those resources, test them, determine once they are not any longer required, and take them down, and this may represent a largely manual effort.

Benefits Of Cloud Automation

Time savings: By automating long tasks like infrastructure provisioning, cloud automation tools permit human engineers to specialize in alternative activities that need higher levels of experience and can’t be simply machine-controlled.

Faster completion: Cloud automation permits tasks to be completed quicker. Associate in Nursing IaC tool will organize 100 servers in minutes victimization predefined templates, as an example, whereas a personality’s engineer may take many days to finish constant work.

Lower risk of errors: once tasks square measure machine-controlled, the chance of human error or oversight nearly disappears. As long as you properly piece the foundations and templates that drive your automation, you may find yourself with clean environments.

Higher security: By the same token, cloud automation reduces the chance that a mistake created by an Associate engineer — like exposing to the general public net an indoor application that’s supposed just for internal use — may lead to security vulnerabilities.

Scalability: Cloud automation is important for any team that works at scale. it’s going to be attainable to manage a tiny low cloud surrounding — one that consists of some virtual machines and storage buckets, for instance — reduce manual workflows. however, if you wish to proportion to many server instances, terabytes of knowledge, and thousands of users, cloud automation becomes a requirement

Cloud Automation Has Additional Benefits:

Improved security and resilience — when sensitive tasks are unit machine-driven, you are doing not want multiple IT workers or developers to work into mission-important systems. the danger of human error, malicious insiders, and account compromise is immensely reduced. additionally, you’ll build security best practices into machine-driven workflows, and enforce security principles in 100% of your deployments.

Improved backup processes — organizations ought to keep a copy of their system often, to protect against accidental erasure, configuration disaster, breakdown, or cyber-attack. Automating backups on the cloud, or backing up on-premise systems mechanically to the cloud, dramatically improves AN organization’s resilience to disaster...

Improved governance — when systems set are measure established manually or on an associate degree ad-hoc basis, directors might have low visibility over what’s really running and will not have a centralized thanks to the management of the infrastructure. Cloud automation allows you to established resources in a standardized, controlled manner, which additionally means that you’ve got way more management over infrastructure running across your organization.

Cloud Automation Tools

There is no single cloud automation tool, platform, or framework. A myriad of various tools and platforms may be wont to alter one task or several, starting from on-premises tools for personal clouds to hosted services from public cloud suppliers.
Examples of automation services from public cloud suppliers include:

•AWS Config, AWS CloudFormation, AWS EC2 Systems Manager.

•Microsoft Azure Resource Manager, Azure Automation.

•Google Cloud Composer, Cloud Deployment Manager.

•IBM Cloud Orchestrator

