Types of Cloud Computing and the Basics of cloud computing is about

Sahil Jilani
4 min readNov 19, 2020


cloud computing is the delivery of computing services — servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and moreover the Internet (“the cloud”). Companies offering these computing services are called cloud providers and typically charge for cloud computing services based on usage, similar to how you are billed for water or electricity at home.” (AWS)

figure 1

Whether you run apps that share photos with millions of mobile users or support critical business operations in your organization, the cloud is a technology providing quick access to flexible and cost-effective IT resources. When it comes to cloud computing, you do not have to invest in hardware in advance or spend a lot of time managing it. Instead, you can provide the exact type and size of computing resources you need to implement your latest breakthrough idea or operate your IT department. You can access as many resources as you need almost immediately by paying only for what you use. Cloud computing provides an easy way to access servers, storage, databases, and a full range of application services over the Internet. Cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, or “Swiss made” cloud. swiss operate and manage the network-attached hardware needed for these application services, providing and using the resources you need through a web application.

Benefits of cloud computing

figure 2

The cloud has become a technology that influences everyone’s daily life. The adoption of solutions and services in the cloud presents a number of advantages and benefits, among others

1. Go for variable costs rather than investment costs
Instead of investing heavily in data centers and servers, cloud computing makes it possible to work by paying only for the computing resources that are actually used.

2. Speed and agility
In a cloud computing environment, new IT resources are always just a click away. The time required to deploy these resources will be reduced to minutes. This leads to a remarkable increase in the agility of the enterprise. In fact, costs and the expenditure on experiments and development decrease substantially.

3.Flexible capacity
No more uncertainty in determining the infrastructure capacity requirements. Customers can access as much or as little capacity as needed and adjust their demand for the short notice as desired.

4.No more costs for operating and maintaining data centers
Focus on projects that differentiate your company in the market, not the infrastructure. Cloud computing allows focusing on customers rather than setting up, populating, and operating server cabinets.

Types of cloud services: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS

a) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): A vendor provides clients pay-as-you-go access to storage, networking, servers, and other computing resources in the cloud.

AWS (EC2), GCP (CE), Microsoft Azure (VM) are examples of Iaas.

b) Software as a Service (SaaS): A service provider offers access to a cloud-based environment in which users can build and deliver applications. The provider supplies underlying infrastructure

GMAIL is the Best example of SaaS.

c) Platform as a Service (PaaS): A service provider delivers software and applications through the internet. Users subscribe to the software and access it via the web or vendor APIs.

Google App Engine, Google Cloud are some examples of PaaS.

Below fig 1.0 while giving you more idea on it

figure 3

Cloud deployments: public, private, hybrid

There are three different ways to deploy cloud computing resources. These are public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud.

figure 4

Private Clouds

A private or on-prem cloud refers to cloud computing resources used in-house and exclusively by a single business or organization. The particularity here is that a private cloud can be physically located on the company’s on-site datacenter.

Public clouds

Public clouds are owned and operated by a third-party cloud service provider, and deliver computing resources like servers and storage over the Internet using a web browser. Today’s leading cloud providers Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure are examples of a public cloud.

Hybrid cloud

A combination of both public and private clouds leads to what we call a hybrid cloud. The advantage here is that a hybrid cloud allows data and applications to be shared between them. By allowing data and applications to move between private and public clouds, customers enjoy greater flexibility and more deployment options.

